Welcome to Texas Installation and Reporting section for WS.

For further information and details, please check out our documentation website for various guides using WS, including reporting. Click here to access WS Documentation

Texas Installation Instructions Introduction

The following installation instructions goes over the method to install Osnium’s WS software.

There are two parts to the installation. The server installation, and the client Installation.

  1. The Server acts as a data store and will be the central hub of WS, in which all client computers will communicate back and forth with the server. Because of this it is recommended that the server be the most powerful computer in house, or have a dedicated server to host this application. This installation only needs to be done once.
  2. The Client installation needs to be done on every computer in house that needs to access WS. This installation is much shorter than the server install.


Download/Upgrade to 14.2.43
Texas Upgrade to 14.2.43 – Instructions

WS 14.2.43 – Download Link

  1. Download Updated WS Application here
  2. Instructions can be found here: http://betadocs.osnium.com/index.aspx?node=283

For those of you who have chosen to migrate, before you convert your data, be sure that you have closed out the last month you are going to enter into ITS (likely March). After you have sent your data, Osnium will work to convert it, which could take up to two business days. During this time, you’ll need to keep track of your data outside of your system, and enter it into Osnium after the conversion is complete. Please note that you will need to review the data after the conversion and you will need to make updates to the data which will be described in the data conversion instructions. For example Stay records will not be converted from ITS, as they are queried at the state level, and will need to be manually entered for clients with stays since September 1st, 2014.

See: https://dataconversions.osnium.com/

If you did not originally sign up for data conversion and would now like to do so, please email us at DataTX@tcfv.org and we can connect you with the Osnium team.

As we mentioned in the emails we sent about migration in the Fall, for those who are not migrating you will need to back enter data in order for your reports to work correctly. At a bare minimum you must enter all clients back to September 1st, 2014 if they are still in service or return for service. One way to reduce the back entry may be to enter all clients currently receiving services and then institute a process until the new fiscal year where staff check the ITS system to see if they received services that fiscal year to see if back entry is needed. This is important as a number of funders ask for yearly unduplicated counts and without back entry your numbers would be inaccurate and unusable to your agency. For migrating programs the ITS number is locked so that numbers have continuity, but for non-migrating programs you will need to enter these numbers.

Download the blank database here

See instructions here: http://betadocs.osnium.com/index.aspx?node=299